From Royal Art Collection to Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
King Wilhelm I of Württemberg has the architect Georg Gottlob Barth design a »Museum der Bildenden Künste« – now called the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart –and oversee its construction. It is a two-storey structure with three wings to house the art school, a painting gallery and the department of prints and drawings founded in 1806.
The U-shaped museum receives two wings at the back designed by Albert von Bok. Johann Ludwig Hofer’s equestrian statue of the museum’s founder is erected in the Courtyard of Honour. There it commemorates the Staatsgalerie’s royal roots to this day.
Founding of the »Stuttgarter Galerieverein«, later called »« (friends of the Staatsgalerie).
The »Museum der Bildenden Künste« is renamed »Staatsgalerie«, although it is long referred to as the »Württembergische Staatsgalerie«.
Extensive destruction of the museum during the Second World War.
The building is reconstructed according to plans by Maximilian Debus. Theodor Heuss, then President of the Federal Republic of Germany, inaugurates the new museum.
A limited international competition is advertised for the design of an extension. The jury unanimously awards first place to James Stirling, Michael Wilford & Associates of London.
The construction of the Neue Staatsgalerie and the opening of the spectacular post-modern Stirling Building on 9 March 1984.
Refurbishment of the upper-level galleries of the Alte Staatsgalerie.
A second extension to the rear of the Alte Staatsgalerie, designed by the Basel architect couple Katharina and Wilfrid Steib, creates new exhibition spaces as well as adequate space for the Department of Prints, Drawings and Photographs.
The ground floor of the Alte Staatsgalerie is refurbished, within which framework new exhibition spaces are created.
Thanks to the dedication of entrepreneur and patron of the arts Rudi Häussler of Stuttgart, the former art school in Urbanstraße 50 is refurbished for use by the Staatsgalerie’s art mediation department and art archives.
Repurchase of the building in Urbanstrasse 50 by the State of Baden-Württemberg for the Staatsgalerie.
Reopening of the collection in September. Rearrangement of the presentation by Prof. Dr. Christiane Lange, director of the museum since 2013.
Presentation of the monument certificate: the Stirling Building is now officially a cultural monument of special significance.
The Staatsgalerie was the first German museum to introduce certified quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001.
The Staatsgalerie has relaunched it’s website and got a new corporate design.
Beside of the quality management, the energy and environmental management systems are also certified (ISO 50001 and ISO 14001).