We would especially like to thank our partners, VVS and bewegtPlus, who make discounts possible. Please bring proof of eligibility for reduced admission with you when you visit.
- Art historians
- Artists
- Art teachers
- Groups (10 people and more)
- Pedagogical trainee teachers
- Press (without registration)
- Restorers
- Severely disabled persons from GdB 50
- bwegtPlus (daily update bwtarif-Ticket, D-Ticket, D-Ticket JugendBW)
- Ehrenamtskarte BW / Volunteer Card BW (District Calw and Ostalbkreis, Freiburg and Ulm)
- VVS ticket / Metropol day ticket (daily)
- BBK (Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen Württemberg)
- Trainee
- bwegtPlus (daily update bwtarif-Ticket, D-Ticket, D-Ticket JugendBW)
- Ehrenamtskarte BW / Volunteer Card BW (District Calw and Ostalbkreis, Freiburg and Ulm)
- VVS ticket / Metropol day ticket (daily)
- BBK (Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen Württemberg)
- Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte
- Gedok
- IAA (Int. Assoc. of Art) / IGBK
- IKT (Kuratorenverband)
- Ulmer Verein
Free admission
We would particularly like to thank our partners, the L-Bank, the Stuttgart Region, Museums-Pass-Musées, Kultur für Alle e.V., who make discounts possible. Proof of eligibility for free admission must be presented at the time of your visit.

- Bundeswehr soldiers (voluntary military service only)
- Chapeerone Recipients of the Medal for Lifesaving / the Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- Chaperone severely disabled people (B)
- Chaperones school class (2 per class)
- Children and young people (up to and including 20 years)
- Federal voluntary service, FSJ, FÖJ, BFD
- Persons receiving state support (ALG II, social assistance, basic security or benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act, refugees)
- Press (with registration, federal ID + list)
- Recipients of the Medal for Lifesaving / the Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- Refugees
- Students
- Students of the seminar association (registered)
- Trainee
- Unemployed
- Freunde der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart e. V.
- Art Card (Deutsche Bank)
- Bonuscard + Kultur (Kultur für alle)
- Erlebniscard (one-time visit)
- Hugo Boss ART PASS (+ 1 Pers.)
- State Family Passport
- Le Meridien
- Museumpass
- Sotheby's (+ 3 Pers.)
- Stuttcard
Association/club members
- AICA (Dtsch. Sektion des Intern. Kunstkritiker Verbands)
- BVGD (Bundesverband der Gästeführer)
- Deutscher Museumsbund
- Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte
- Gedok
- IAA (Int. Assoc. of Art) / IGBK
- IKT (Kuratorenverband)
- Rudolf-Sophien-Stift
- Ulmer Verein
Volunteer and support circle
- Kestner-Gesellschaft
- Kunstmuseum / Museum der Gegenwart Basel
- Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
- Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Mudeo d'Arte Contemporanea Rivoli
- Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig
- Museum Ludwig
- Museum Folkwang
- Pinacotecca Agnelli
- Schirn
- Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
- Zürcher Kunstfreunde
- Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
- State employees (except state museums)
- Sammlung Domnick
- State Museums of Baden-Württemberg
- Stuttgart Marketing
- WKV (Württembergischer Kunstverein)
- Chapeerone Recipients of the Medal for Lifesaving / the Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- Chaperone severely disabled people (B)
- Chaperones school class (2 per class)
- Children and young people up to and including 20 years made possible by L-Bank
- Persons receiving state support (ALG II, social assistance, basic security or benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act, refugees)
- Press (with registration, federal ID + list)
- Recipients of the Medal for Lifesaving / the Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- Refugees
- Students of the seminar association (registered)
- Unemployed
- Freunde der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart e. V.
- Art Card (Deutsche Bank)
- Bonuscard + Kultur (Kultur für alle)
- Erlebniscard (one-time visit)
- Hugo Boss ART PASS (+ 1 Pers.)
- State Family Passport
- Le Meridien
- Museumpass
- Sotheby's (+ 3 Pers.)
- Stuttcard
Association/club members
- AICA (Dtsch. Sektion des Intern. Kunstkritiker Verbands)
- BVGD (Bundesverband der Gästeführer)
- Deutscher Museumsbund
Volunteer and support circle
- Kestner-Gesellschaft
- Kunstmuseum / Museum der Gegenwart Basel
- Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
- Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Mudeo d'Arte Contemporanea Rivoli
- Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig
- Museum Ludwig
- Museum Folkwang
- Pinacotecca Agnelli
- Schirn
- Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
- Zürcher Kunstfreunde
- Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
- State Museums of Baden-Württemberg
- Stuttgart Marketing
- WKV (Württembergischer Kunstverein)
Discounts for Events
Proof of eligibility for reduced admission to events must be brought along when visiting.
- Art historians
- Artists
- Art teachers
- Bundeswehr soldiers (voluntary military service only)
- Children and young people up to and including 20 years made possible by L-Bank
- Federal voluntary service, FSJ, FÖJ, BFD
- Students
- Students of the seminar association (registered)
- Trainee
- Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte
- Employees MWK
Freunde der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart e. V. (Excludes expert and special tours.)