An einer Wand hängen die Wörter "HAS FALLEN" auf dem Boden liegt das Wort "DEMOCRACY" verstreut, der ursprüngliche Platz an der Wand ist noch zu erkennen.

Summer of the Arts

Villa Massimo visits Stuttgart: 18 artists, 8 locations
19 July 2024 – 26 January 2025

The interdisciplinary cooperation project »Summer of the Arts« will show works by the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 recipients of the Villa Massimo’s German Rome Prize in eight institutions in Stuttgart. The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is presenting the art created by Yael Bartana, Manaf Halbouni, and Bjørn Melhus during their stays in Rome in dialogue with works from the Staatsgalerie collection.

The Rome Prize of the Deutsche Akademie Rom Villa Massimo is considered one of the most important distinctions awarded abroad to German artists and artists working in Germany. The Deutsche Akademie Rom Villa Massimo was founded by Eduard Arnhold and endowed by the Prussian king in 1910. Today it is funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner of Culture and the Media. 

»Summer of the Arts« will take place at the Staatsgalerie concurrently with the new presentation of the museum collection, THIS IS TOMORROW, featuring art by contemporary artists alongside works from the twentieth-century collection.

A cooperative project of: Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Bund Deutscher Architekt:innen Stuttgart, Weissenhofmuseum im Haus Le Corbusier, architekturgalerie am weißenhof, Städtebauliches Institut der Universität Stuttgart, Musik der Jahrhunderte e.V. and Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.

More about the project you can find here.

Picture: Manaf Halbouni, DEMOCRACY HAS FALLEN, 2023, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, Foto: © Manaf Halbouni