Objectives and tasks
The surfaces of the work (figure, chair and back wall) showed heavy soiling due to dust, handling and touching.
The open-pored surface of the plaster figure was particularly impaired in its effect on the viewer due to the heavy contamination. Through handling, but also through touching by visitors, the plaster surface was endangered in peripheral areas and partially loosened.
The red lacquer surface of the chair had numerous flaws.
After recording the actual condition in the form of detailed documentation, as well as photographic and written mapping and the evaluation of possibilities for cleaning plaster surfaces, a suitable method was applied.
Information about the object
Title: Girl Sitting Against a Wall
Date: 1968
Dimensions: 123,0 x 45,0 x 78,0 cm (figure)
Material: Plaster, glass, wood
Inv. no.: P 293
Restoration period: 2022
Dipl.-Rest. Lydia Schmidt
Methodology and procedure
A detailed examination, documentation and damage analysis of the work of art enabled the development of the appropriate restoration concept with subsequent restoration, which will allow the presentation of the work again, taking into account conservation aspects. The endangered plaster substance of the sculpture and the red lacquer version of the chair were strengthened. This was followed by the difficult cleaning of the heavily soiled and very sensitive plaster surfaces, the chair and the back wall. Defects in the area of the chair's red paint layer were retouched - after distinguishing between damage intended by the artist and damage due to age.
The measures served to preserve the substance and included cleaning the object.
The restoration was made possible by the