How to find us

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 30 – 32
70173 Stuttgart 

Entrance: Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 30

Schlossplatz 2
70173 Stuttgart

Station »Staatsgalerie« 
Bus: 40, 42
Tram: U1, U2, U4, U9, U14 
Currently not barrier-free due to construction work

Station »Charlottenplatz«
Bus: 42, 43, 44, 47
Tram: U5, U6, U7, U12, U15

Station »Schlossplatz«
Bus: 42, 44
Tram: U5, U6, U7, U12, U15

»Hauptbahnhof« / Main Station
You can reach the Staatsgalerie on foot from the main railway station in about 12 minutes, or you can take a bus or tram to the "Staatsgalerie" stop.  

We are a partner of bwegtPlus. On presentation of a current bwtarif ticket, school holiday ticket, JugendticketBW or Deutschland-Ticket, you will receive reduced admission to the collection and special exhibitions.

Further information on parking facilities can be found at the car park management at

We recommend travelling by public transport due to the high volume of traffic, the major S21 construction site and the limited parking facilities.

The Staatsgalerie is barrier-free. More about accessibility in the Staatsgalerie. 

Eine Anfahrtskizze zur Staatsgalerie und zum Kunstgebäude mit allen umliegenden U-Bahn-Stationen.